Microcomputer High-speed Analyzer

Microcomputer High-speed Analyzer
This instrument can detect all the conventional elements in steel, non-ferrous metal materials such as Mn, P, Si, Cr, Ni, Mo, Cu, V, Ti, Al, W, zinc and Fe;
Microcomputer controlled by computer brand, electronic scales, desktop printers print test results;
Test software function is all ready, can completely replace the traditional laboratory in all kinds of manual writing work, and can according to each unit;
Actual demand, arbitrarily set test report format;
Detection, detection of 108 elements of channel space, storage n curve;
Tradition element analyzer wavelength error of plus or minus 5 nm, while the KDS - 9 type a wavelength error only plus or minus 2 nm;
Has the KDS - 3 a / 3 b / 3 c / 4 a all functions.
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